

You look but see nothing. 見れども見えず

In his boredom, Shimamura stared at his left hand as the forefinger bent and unbent. Only this hand seemed to have a vital and immediate memory of the woman he was going to see. The more he tried to call up a clear picture of her, the more his memory failed him, the farther she faded away, leaving him nothing to catch and hold. In the midst of this uncertainty only the one hand, and in particular the forefinger, even now seemed damp from her touch, seemed to be pulling him back to her from afar. Taken with the strangeness of it, he brought the hand to his face, then quickly drew a line across the misted over window. A woman’s eye floated up before him.  (YASUNARI KAWABATA  SNOW COUNTRY)





see や look at や watch のような有名どころのほかに、上記英文にも出ている stare at や gaze at や observe のような受験英語でもおなじみの単語たちがあります。


まず、 stare at や gaze at 。

両方とも「じっと見つめる」という意味がありますが、stared at には美しい対象をじっとりと見るというニュアンスがあって下記のように使いますね。

Her beauty can’t keep me from staring at her.  「彼女の美しさに、見ずにはいられないのだ」

対して gazed at O は、もっと中立的で、そのような意味あいはありません。あと、glare at は「にらむ」という意味になります。

observe というのは、watch に似ているのですが、やや硬質の表現であり好奇心も感じられます。

Her taste was observing beasts mating desperately in the zoological gardens.



stare は「じろじろ見る、凝視」

gaze は「じっくり見る、熟視」

glare は「にらみ見る、敵視」

watch は「動くものを見る、注視」

observe は「観察する、監視」




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